If you like extremely difficult games that ratchet up their difficulty regardless of your success, then this game is for you. The con to that is the steep learning curve (i.e. deaths) to obtain the skills necessary to achieve any kind of sustaining success. The plus is that anything youre able to achieve in-game feels very satisfying. You start off as a pilot of the lowest tier ship with access to 3 systems. As you earn credits, you can buy other ships, which gives you better weapons, shields, speed, cargo bay, and the ability to travel to more systems, although right now there are only 10. It also gives you access to better equipped enemies who come in swarms, so be aware of that. It doesnt get easier based on my experience so far. The trading system has a mini game which I found fun, but ultimately useless because its too risky to invest in trade goods when every transit you take is fraught with danger, regardless of how good your ship is, or how successful you get at the game. Same thing with missions. Im going to give a few tips on how I found a modicum of success. 1. Prioritize collecting cargo containers. This is the primary way I make credits. They explode quickly so you have to have a sense of urgency. Theyre the yellow dots on your radar. Simply run over them. 2. Accept 1 or 2 escort missions each transit. Let the other ships go in front of you. As soon as you enter the fray, all the AI ships tend to concentrate on you, so make sure youre ready. Again, prioritize collecting cargo canisters, especially if they blow the cargo ship up. 3. Win your one on ones. You cant play this game if you cant do that consistently. Stay behind the enemy, and lead the target. 4. When facing multiple enemies, I will head straight for them, shields at 100, with energy at a min for stabilization. My first pass I generally target an enemy by touching on it. After that its a matter of passing the enemy ships, doing damage to the one Ive targeted, and speeding away until Ive recharged, turnaround, repeat. I generally try to keep my lasers at the 70-80% mark while engaged in battle, then quickly shift to engines to speed away. Once I get them down to one ship, its cake. I use my knowledge of each ship type to customize each encounter. I dont always get the combination right, but thats the general idea. 5. If I can make any kind of profit, I forgo escorts within 5000km of the base. I dont sell cargo for 10 credits. Its worth it to me to take a chance on a system that buys it for more. You can check commodity prices for each system in the system travel menu. I saw a tip somewhere to charge your shields before jumping, which I disagree with. Enemies will often randomly appear if you stay still. Jump then run away at the next encounter and charge your shields then. Its impossible enough to reach the base. Dont add to the encounters you have to survive. TL:DR Lead when firing, sell cargo you pick up for your primary means of earning credits, learn to successfully kite multiple enemies.